Wednesday, March 26, 2014

the drama queen doesn't even invite me to her show, so why do i bother to come?

Hi, crush!
good evening~!!

it's almost the end of March, and i just started writing again ehehehe. it's still trash as always, don't expect me to come with something more :P lol
so how are you? 
i've been doing very well without you, you know~~ kkk i did a lot of things. i finally managed to come to college's sport and art week (?). it was a great experience for meet some new friends and talked about stuff and took some pics together www
I also visited some old friends in Jogja. one is my hubby <3 i slept over there for one day and two nights. we did stuff too, like gossiping other people :p watching FMA 4 comas, and private drawing-learning (?) hahaa. hubby is so kind <3 though she had an accident some times ago that made her immobile now. :( lets wish her to get well very soon, crush >/\<

bad things also happened in my life, duhhhhhh. last time when family went to somewhere, we thought that i have the house key with me, but apparently i didnt. it was rainy back then. when i came back to home, i coudnt open the front gate >.< it was lockedddd so i climbed it, but left my scooter outside. but stilllll no one was there kkk. i had feverrrr and decided to take a nap on the terrace ;A; it was cold~~ i remembered i sent you text about this and you - as always - didnt reply it www
another bad thing is when i was like... well, i kinda lost a good friends. i think of her as a drama queen. i know it's not good to be negative, you said that, but i dont know if i can change my mindset. ww. i kinda keep our gap away, and she doesnt even try to approach me. well, i've never be someone nice so it sure is impossible for having people who approach me first =') i still like her tbh. so if she reads this, i have a message for her : dont afraid of approaching me, im not a hater, feel free to come to me, im just a little bit tsundere, but this only if you still need me.congratulation for your graduation today. i always happy for your happiness and achievement.


another bad thing. you still ignoring me kkkkk. i wonder when this one bad thing will be end. i miss our old good times.

cant wait for April!! what kind of life will come~? ;D

have a good day, crush!
i love you.